Beco Gemini Carrier

We had friends visit us over the weekend, and they have a newborn in addition to a little toddler. How wonderful it was to hold a new baby again!

My friend and I got to chatting on how she was managing things, and baby carriers were brought up. Of course everyone on the planet is telling her that she needs to baby wear so she can multi-task! Problem is that she really wasn’t a fan of the carrier she had (and truth be told neither was I with my first). We both received a brand of baby carrier that is supposed to be the best there is, but neither of us liked it at all! For me, I could barely get it on myself and always needed someone else to help me get Layla in. Even once we were set up, I didn’t feel comfortable and my back hurt. I rarely used it.

When Cecilia was born and Layla was 18 months old, I knew there was no choice but to find a carrier that worked for me. And that was the Beco Gemini! This was a game changer! There was something about how the straps cris-crossed over my back that made it uber comfortable, and I even was able to get Cecilia in and out on my own. We spent many days that summer with Cecilia on my body and Layla toddling around the park. It’s basically usable from birth since the minimum baby weight is 7 pounds, and it doesn’t need an additional insert. The pocket on the waist band for my phone and some cash was an extra and amazing perk too!

Our first park outing using our new Beco Gemini baby carrier

Our first park outing using our new Beco Gemini baby carrier

The perfect organic baby gift.

When the twins arrived, I always carried Zelda on my body in the Beco while Michael carried Sam in our other carrier (which he didn’t mind as much). So in the end, having both carriers did not go to waste! Funny how having surprise twins will do that…

Now the weekend is over, our friends are gone, and so is my Beco Gemini. It’s been re-homed, and I’m so happy to have passed it along to our close friends. Having two under two is certainly not easy so every little trick adds up. Let me know if you have this carrier and what you think of it by commenting below!

SHOP the Beco Gemini Baby Carrier

I’m linking a few different price points and designs below. It usually costs $150, but there are some pretty amazing deals on Amazon. Note: I am using affiliate links below which means that if you buy something via this post I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.
